Saturday, August 31, 2019

Miscommunication Essay

After reading the article, â€Å"Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication†, I realized that miscommunication can be a part of our everyday lives with those that we are closest to. I am sure that many of us have thought that we know someone well enough to figure out what they are saying without giving it a second thought. In reality, chances are that this is not the case at all. My wife and I have been married for six and a half years and dated for several years before we were married. Although we believe we think we know each other like the back of our hand, sometimes truly we do not have a clue what the other person is trying to say or portray. We both take for granted the fact that we believe we know each other so well. Luckily for the both of us, most of our miscommunications are nothing that has major consequences. Nine times out of ten, it is something that it’s as simple as what we will have for dinner with our family. However, there are those very few times when our miscommunications are much more serious. Our most serious miscommunication that I can remember is our scheduling conflicts. I work full time, volunteer on our local fire department, schoolwork, and at this time I am volunteering on two separate committees that I have to attend meetings weekly. My wife is also a college student, volunteer EMT for our rescue squad, and tries to keep up with the duties of appointments and seeing that everyone in my home gets to where they need to be at a particular time. Often times we mis-communicate with each other regarding our busy and hectic schedules. This often leaves us in a bind of trying to find a babysitter or deciding which one of us can reschedule what we have going on for that day or week. To try to prevent these communication errors in the future, we are trying to make sure that all of our events get posted on the calendar well in advance. This plan has just begun for the both of us so we are hopeful to have less mis-understandings of our schedules.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Can built form influence social problems?

The concept of social problems is linked to a wide spectrum of contrasting definitions. Jerome G Monis defines it as â€Å"these social conditions identified by scientific enquiry and values as detrimental to human well-being†. On the other hand Malcom Spector and Jon I Kitsuse defined them as â€Å"the activities of individuals or groups making assertion of grievance and claims with respect to some putative conditions†. ( Taking into consideration the different approaches to this debate the point that the main reason for people's behaviour is physical form can be argued. Urban form can be seen as one of the reason for social behaviour but to deny the influence of social, economical and political factors is to simplify the complexity of society and the different relationships within it. In any case both arguments will always be episodes in the long saga of traditional controversy. Social problems have been divided into 3 groups by Kenneth C Land ( Deviant behaviour, including drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, crime and violence. Social inequality and conflict including aging, the ederly, racial and ethnics relations, the sexes and gender inequality, poverty and economic inequality and homelessness. Finally, human groups and social change which include the changes in the economy and workplace. The social problems that can be correlated directly to urban form are seen as the one under the social inequality category and antisocial behaviour. The line of thought that establishes that the built form influences directly to social problems has been named architectural determinism and assume that the layout and form of physical environment would shape, even determine the quality of social life. During the period following the Second World War the architects of the Bauhaus and architects such as Le Corbusier thought that they were in a position to alter society for the better through the medium of physical design. By design we understand the design of a whole town as well as the design of relatively small scale units. Maurice Broady described this as â€Å"the architects who builds a house or design a site plan who decides where the roads will and will not go and who decides which directions the houses will face and how close together they will be, also is, to a large extent, deciding the pattern of social life among the people who will live in these houses. It asserts that architectural design has a direct and determinate effect on the way people behave† ( Maurice Broady 1968 cited in Taylor, N, 1998). The case of the Business Academy located on Bexley and designed by Norman Foster can be an example of how a radical project has changed students behaviour towards education. Very different to the 1960's building where students use to attend lessons, the Academy is an open-plan where lessons are carried out in alcoves and where no division of spaces have been created. The Business Academy has been seen as a success where â€Å"the proportion of children at school achieving five good grades at GCSE has leapt from just 6% to 36%† ( The results of this achievement could change the life style of the generation of students attending lessons in the building. The improvement of the education can bring a change for better work opportunities for the students and at the same time will have an impact on the perception of one of London's most deprived areas. A building can also change the perception of the character of a city. Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum transformed Bilbao from an industrial Spanish Basque region to an international tourist destination. But is this, just the building form, which has made the difference? To resume the success of some enterprises or the failure of others in physical terms is to simplify the complexity of society. We can attribute the achievement of the Norman Fosters' project to the conjunction of a different kind of built environment, when compared with more traditional educative centres, and the introduction of new and innovative educational techniques. On the other hand the fact that such an important architect has designed a revolutionary building to be used as a school can have changed people's perception about education. It has built a sense of identity among the pupils and indirectly has lead them to improve their performance. On the other hand Guggenheim Museum has demonstrated the importance of power and identity. It has been part of the political strategy from an elite in order to change the image of one of the most problematic niches of nationalism in Spain, that is Bilbao. It does not only offer an optimistic view of the city but it also can be seen as the attempt of internationalisation of the Spanish culture after the cultural archaism of Francoism. It involves a tourist campaign which had the objective of promoting the city and radical regeneration projects which have improved the services and have transformed the vision of the city. Consequently, built form is only a minor reason for the development of social problems. Social problems find causes in social conditions. Giddens argues that â€Å"everyday lives are, of course, influenced, reproduced and changed by structures of social, economical and political power† (Giddens cited in Dickens 1990, pg 3) and it is extremely difficult to generalise about these affects. Physical space is socially constructed by people's perceptions. What Giddens calls Locales are spaces which â€Å"are indeed usually socially specified for some kinds of activities. Locales carry social meanings and symbols which are widely accepted and which considerably affect social relations† (Giddens cited in Dickens 1990, pg5). They affect how people interpret their own and people's circumstances. Physical space is socially constructed. There is a socially constructed perception in Britain about areas characterised by high, concrete, block of flats. This kind of housing has always been associated with high levels of graffiti, vandalism and litter. Alice Coleman argues â€Å"that vandalism take place in zones where residents are unable to keep a watch over who is entering or leaving their estates† (A. Coleman, 1985, pg158). They are seen as impersonal, stratified dwellings and undesiderable places to live. Crime, antisocial behaviour, unemployment, poverty and inequality are seen as distinctive features of these places. But factors such as poor services, no good transport links, authority government tenure and the meeting of several marginalised groups suffering from what Durkheim called anomya â€Å"condition or malaise in individuals, characterized by an absence or diminution of standards or values, and an associated feeling of alienation and purposeneless† ( are ve ry relevant when considering the main reasons for this kind of problem. People who are not satisfied with society, who have not got the same access to commodities than the major part of the population and that experience from the indifference of institutions, which are characterised by low skill occupations, family disorganisation, poverty, illiteracy and racism suffers are grouped in this kind of residential development which are cheap to build and can accommodate a large number of people in minimal space. These people are the product of â€Å"exacerbation of a logic of economic and racist exclusion† (Savage, Warden & Ward, 2003, pg76). Again we can argue here whether the physical environment is the reason for these problems and again a new example contradicts the simplicity of the architectural determinism discourse. Spain, as almost all European cities is flat based. Almost 80% of the population in Spain live in flats. People in Spain have been brought up living in high density block of flats. The perception of people about living in this kind of housing is completely different to the British one. Being the common norm between the population it does not lead to any of the social problems described above. They are not associated to vandalism and poor quality accommodation. They are the standard residential housing where people live. The areas where vulnerable groups live are characterised by poor links of transport, no easy access to schools, located on the outskirts of the city and who residents are immigrants or part of a minor ethnic group. They are tenure tenants that lack sense of identity with the place where they live, lack of resources and are victims of some conditions that are made difficult to improve their situation. The areas where they live are characterised by the use of cheap materials and an even higher density than in other areas. Families live in small flats where they have to share rooms. The combination of all this features, together with the difficulties to establish zones of autonomy and self management is what, in Spain, generate major social problems and no the fact that people live in this type of housing. Even the new theories which aim to explain social change and society within the context of postmodernity claim that the city will evolve as mean of facilitating interpersonal communication â€Å"Although individuals live in a particular place and participate in community life in and around that place, it is interaction and not place that is the essence of life† (Clark, 2003, pg 139). Once again the importance of predominant social conditions over physical form are highlighted in order to understand the future of the cities or urban form and consequently its social costs. The global village is the sociological destination of the city. The power of media will spread urban values. Information, and no physical design, is being the basis for an explanation of the present and future society and of people way of living and behaviours. Information is the leviathan that will lead future changes and policies. Practically speaking in planning grounds, the future of the city is called â€Å"compact city† and will be the fruit of an urban renaissance supported by governments and elite groups. In its July 12 Spending Review the government announced â€Å"a 50% increase in new social house building†¦an extra 10,000 homes a year†¦and further plans to increase housing supply and improved affordability by funding the Sustainable Communities Plan to deliver 200,000 additional homes in the Thames Gateway and other growth areas† ( The government has named this project urban renaissance and it involves the better use of buildings within developed land to accommodate about 3.8 million new households between 1996 and 2021 and to do this the government â€Å"supports the idea of the ‘compact city', that is a higher density, mixed use development on brownfield land close to public transport nodes† (Burton, 2002, pg 537). This encouraged urban renaissance will imply the adoption of high density constructions in order to satisfy the demand for new housing at minimal environmental costs and this means a high proportion of apartments and terrace houses. The benefits will be â€Å"the conservation of the countryside, less need to travel by car, thus reduced fuel emissions, support for public transport and walking and cycling, better access to services and facilities, more efficient utility and infrastructure provision and revitalisation and regeneration of inner urban areas† (Burton, 2002, pg 538). But which will be the social problems attributed to this new concept of housing form? According to Elisabeth Burton, nine social problems have been seen by population as are related to compactness (Burton, 2002, pg 547-548): * access to superstores * access to green open space * public transport use * extent of walking and cycling * amount of domestic living space * death rate from mental illness * crime * social segregation * death rate for respiratory disease. Again we can argue that although some of the social problems can be seen as a product of this kind of development they are not directly correlated to built form. The invocation of the high-rise horrors of post war urban Britain and the congested squalor of Victorian Britain is where Bowers see the root of this apprehension (Bowers cited in Jenks, Burton and Williams, 1996). For example the difficult access to services may find is cause in the increase in number of users within an area but may also be seen as lack of appropriate infrastructure and therefore a failure in developer and government's attempt of offering the necessary infrastructure for a new development. On the other hand, why does it promote crime and social segregation or how can it be associated to mental illness? When people live in close proximity they are more aware of the existence of neighbours and there are more opportunities to informally interact with your neighbours. The relationship between people living within flats is less gregarious. It also provides casual surveillance and respect for property. For designers and housing providers seeking to promote social equity, and according to the research developed by Elisabeth Burton, higher-density housing such apartments and terraces are the best form of housing, â€Å"especially if they are developed on derelict land in areas where there are plenty of locally-provided services and facilities† (Burton, 2002, pg 558). The extent to which built form influences social problems has therefore been seen as very limited. The confluence of several economic, social, political and environmental reasons results in the creation of social problems. In addition, the weight of the importance of the built form, when taking into consideration the different social problems, tend to change from one country to another depending on the perception of the different kind of built form by the population. This perception will always be shaped according to the culture and socialization the individual has experienced. What in some countries is seen as undesiderable form of housing in others is the common norm. In Britain â€Å"compact city† has been proved to be the best option for future urban development if sustainable reasons are taking into account. The promotion of places that make efficient use of available space and environmental resources will lead to the adoption of high-density development. This residential housing has been seen through history as a reason for the emergence of social problems and people associate this type of built environment to vandalism, crime and social inequality. The introduction of this new model into planning practice will need to be seen together with changes in the population mentality and will meet several difficulties when confronting well rooted ways of thinking. People will have to be educated to accept the change. It will not create additional social problems if it incorporates features that improve people's quality of life like high standard local services and an easy reach of a range of facilities. This new concept of built form will generate debates and modification in people's constructed reality before being able to be generally accepted, a shift in people's attitudes towards the new form of housing. It needs to be an attractive option and it will involve action and investment from government and agencies in order to disassociate false presumptions about this kind of built form.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Advertising through Social Media Application-Samples for Students

Social media communication has been emerging rapidly in the recent years. However, maximum businesses use the social media as their communication tool to cover a large number of customers (Holt 2016).Social media communication refers to the communication process that is exhibited through the use of digital tool. As commented by Ramanathanet al. (2017), social media communication is a modern business process, which can be done by using electronic media. However, for business organizations, it is crucial to incorporate the modern technology in their communication system to enhance the customer service. Hence, application of the social media gives the opportunity to the business owners to promote their brand as well and their products by using the digital media, which is an example of modern technology. This study deals with the promotion of Orchid women wear, which is a popular brand of John Smedley.   This organization sells over 30 countries in the world. This is a UK based knittin g fashion company and established in 1784. This brand has 200 stores all over the world and their sales revenue generation is high. Therefore, the role of the social media in the branding of John Smedley will be discussed in this study. A critical discussion will be conducted in this study based on the application of social media in branding. John Smedley is a UK based fashion organization that offers various types of women’s wear. However, woolen clothes, cotton wear and various types of fashionable clothing items are the major products of this organization. John Smedley is popular for the knitwear products. One of their popular products is Orchid women fashion wear. This organization is a global operator and has business throughout the world. This organization is considered as one of the leading companies for their fine gauge knitwear products. In the recent years changing demand of the customers is the major challenge of the global fashion market. However, it is often difficult for the fashion organizations to cope up with the changing need of the consumers as a result, there is a huge competition among the fashion companies to make something unique or innovative product. Orchid women wear is a renowned brand of John Smedley among their various women wears ( 2018).   This is a knitwear product a nd made up of wool. This is very much comfortable for the women in any weather. Thus, this brand is popular among the women who prefer to use John Smedley products. Traditional communication or advertising process in the business promotion needs a proper budget and a specific market (Bremset al. 2017). TV, direct mail, newspaper, and radio are the traditional communication channels that are used in the business. The traditional communication channels are more expensive in comparison to the social media communication as traditional communication needs more workforce while social media needs less workforce and it depends on the technology. In the recent years, John Smedley has faced issuesdue to the using of traditional marketing communication. Traditional communication channels need a particular target audience as a result, it is difficult for the organization to select the target audience. On the other hand, they are not able to cover a huge range of consumers through this traditional communication process. In the year 2014 their sale was increased by 14% from the previous year and the revenue generation was  £17.2.   In the year 2015 their customer number is increased by 10% from the previous year, which ensures their growth in the global market ( 2018). However, traditional communication process has a specific target market but social media does not need any specific target market as it covers a large range of customers from different geographical regions (Kedzior et al. 2016). Hence, by the application of social media, John Smedley can promote their Orchid women wear in a huge range of customer domain easily. There is no need to expand the high budget to implement this communication process.Traditional media includes personal selling, pamphlets and leaflet distribution that needs more workforces. This enhances the cost of the product promotion (Nyangwe and Buhalis 2018).However, application of the social media in the promotion of the business will be an effective approach for such organization as it will help them to cover a large number of people from different geographical regions. Clothing products among the other products of the fashion industry run fast. However, consumers especially the women have a strong addiction towards the clothing products. They prefer the variety of products, which are comfortable to wear (Kedzioret al. 2016). Hence, the traditional marketing or communication is not as effective as the social media communication in promoting a brand as the traditional marketing process is not attractive like the social media. Through the social media women can see a variety of products and they do not need to go outside. In order to improve the brand image of an organization promotion through social media is an effective approach for the organization. In the context of John Smedley, they want to improve the brand image of Orchid women wear through the application of social media. As commented by Nyangweand Buhalis (2018), social media users keep the brand name in their mind, which they saw in their social networking site. This is a big opportunity fo r John Smedley to improve and promote their brand Orchid women wear. One of the major positive outcomes of social media application in branding is communication with the business goal (Deckers and Lacy 2017). However, in the context of John Smedley use of social media will help them to deliver their business objective regarding their brand Orchid women wear to the consumer domain by providing a detailed product as well as brand information. John Smedley can give the benefits of the products through the websites and it will be shared via social media like facebook, instagram etc. In the recent years, people are more technology oriented as they use the technological device rapidly to make their life fast. They have limited time to watch television, magazine and another traditional advertising process (Dinnie 2015). Therefore, maximum people spend a lot of time on the social media website as they get refreshment and also gather new knowledge regarding any product or service via social media. People have a great attraction towards the social media and they search new fashion products and brand through it (Dinnie 2015). As a result, advertisement through the social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will be effective for John Smedley to promote their brand Orchid women wear. This will give a great opportunity to John Smedley to promote their new product in a large consumer domain by using the social media in brand promotion. Social media makes a unique platform for John Smedley for their new brand and they will be able to get customer feedbacks via such sites. Such customer review is a good process for an organization to understand their brand position in the market (Habibiet al. 2016).Changing needs of the consumers is a big problem for the fashion market and they do not understand the exact demand of the consumers. However, by checking the customer review regarding a product on social media sites the organization will able to understand the type of the products that the current market prefers. Social media is an effective way for the business as it allows the consumers to research discover and share the information about a brand (Dinnie 2015). Application of the social media in the branding of John Smedley will bring a scope for their new brand Orchid women wear to reach in a large domain of the consumers. Social media advertisement will help the consumers to attach with the organization by sharing their feedbacks. This also improves the customer engagement in an organization. Good consumer rating will improve the brand image in the competitive market. Therefore, social media will help John Smedley to share content of the product information quickly in the context of Orchid women wear. As a result, the consumers can easily access the product details as well as the brand details, which enhance the branding process of such organization. Today the application of the social media is an integral part of the daily life. People from different parts and the entire world can be connected through the social media. In the context of business as well as the fashion industry social media plays an important role to promote a brand and to improve the brand image (Habibi et al. 2016). It is important for John Smedley to improve their brand image by suing the social media application. They can influence the public opinion regarding their new brand Orchid women to wear. As commented by Dinnie(2015), social media is the best platform to communicate with the people and people also share their opinion regarding any product or brand. As criticized by Kohliet al. (2015), is the business industry does not train their employees properly to use social media for business purpose then they fail to communicate their brand vision. This can lead John Smedley to an inconsistent as a result; their brand image can be affected.   However, John Sm edley can represent their brand image through the social media application in the context of their Orchid women wear. On the other hand, misrepresentation of the offered service or products and their features can hamper the brand image of such particular brand. Social media creates customer’s interest towards a product or a brand (Chahaland Rani 2016). In the context of John Smedley, advertisement or the promotion of Orchid women wear through social media enables them to deliver their messages to the public domain quickly. As a result, the audience starts to get information about the particular brand. Then they talk about the brand and pay their attention to it. Shopping in recent times is popular in the social media platforms. For example, Twitter and Facebook are two of the major social media platforms, which contribute more to improving the promotion of a brand and the enhancement of its image. For John Smedley, if they promote or advertise their products through such social media then audience get information about their Orchid women wears. This will make their brand popular and to improve its image in the consumer domain. Besides the positive aspects of social media advertisement there are some negative aspects. As argued by Koh li et al. (2015), advertisement via social media often affected due to the overflowing newsfeed. In the Facebook often people skip the messages or advertisement of a brand due to the overflow of the newsfeeds. This may affect the brand promotion in the context of John Smedley. Therefore, it is important for the organization to give a regular update of their product or brand on the social media. If the gap occurs in this process then it will be difficult for John Smedley to promote their brand Orchid women wear through social networking sites. On the other hand positive outcomes of social media highlights that social media especially the Facebook increase the customer engagement (Habibiet al. 2016). However, if John Smedley creates a page on facebook regarding their Orchid women wears with more details then it can reach easily to the consumer domain. Therefore, the consumers can give their feedbacks on this Facebook page regarding this particular brand. For John Smedley, they want to promote Orchid women wear via social media. Hence, it has been found that women discuss more about the fashion over social media like Facebook. Therefore, they refer to their friends the fashion brand that they have used. This will give John Smedley a good opportunity to improve the brand image as well promotion of Orchid women wear via social media advertisement. The above piece of the study reveals the social media application in branding in the context of John Smedley. However, this fashion organization is going to promote their new brand Orchid women wear through the social media advertisement. However, the major problem of current fashion market is the changing demand of the consumers. Hence, the application of the social media will help John Smedley to gather the customer feedbacks and develop innovative product as per the needs of the current market. It has been found that social media communication to market a product is very popular in the recent years. People, specially he women search new brand over the social media. One of the major drawbacks of the social media application is the inappropriate presentation of the brand information. Despite these challenges, social media communication is an essential element of the modern business. Brems, C., Temmerman, M., Graham, T. and Broersma, M., 2017. Personal Branding on Twitter: How employed and freelance journalists stage themselves on social media.  Digital Journalism,  5(4), pp.443-459. Chahal, H. and Rani, A., 2017. How trust moderates social media engagement and brand equity.  Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,  11(3), pp.312-335. Deckers, E. and Lacy, K., 2017.  Branding yourself: How to use social media to invent or reinvent yourself. Que Publishing. Dinnie, K., 2015.  Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. Routledge. Habibi, M.R., Laroche, M. and Richard, M.O., 2016. Testing an extended model of consumer behavior in the context of social media-based brand communities.  Computers in Human Behavior,  62, pp.292-302. Holt, D., 2016. Branding in the age of social media.  Harvard business review,  94(3), p.13. 2018.  John Smedley. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2018]. Kedzior, R., Allen, D.E. and Schroeder, J., 2016. The selfie phenomenon–consumer identities in the social media marketplace. European Journal of Marketing, 50(9/10), pp.1767-1772. Kohli, C., Suri, R. and Kapoor, A., 2015. Will social media kill branding?.  Business Horizons,  58(1), pp.35-44. Nyangwe, S. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Branding Transformation Through Social Media and Co-creation: Lessons from Marriott International. In  Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018  (pp. 257-269). Springer, Cham. Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N. and Parrott, G., 2017. Role of social media in retail network operations and marketing to enhance customer satisfaction.  International Journal of Operations & Production Management ,  37(1), pp.105-123.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 12

Project Management - Essay Example These activity lists proposes all the scheduled activity which will help to complete the project quickly. Implementation of work package during project leads concurrent work on various different mechanism of a project at the equivalent time by multiple teams. Most of the times, the completion of work package has been overseen by the managers or supervisor or a team leader of a project team. Moreover work packages reduce the activity cost and other indirect costs like cost of material, cost of transportation, cost of labor etc. Work breakdown structure is a deliverable and oriented decomposition of a specific project into smaller components. One of the important uses of work breakdown structure is that this structure proposes cost control standard for the future project activities which may or may not be similar. Moreover work breakdown structure starts off with a generalized goal in a quality planning process and helps to identify the progressive narrow level of action that is needed in order to achieve the project objectives. While implementation of work breakdown structure the team should have in depth understanding of the tasks required. Work breakdown structure is the critical input which identifies the risks subsequently in macro and micro level of work packages. To identify the cost variances and scheduled variances, project managers quite often use the performance measurement baseline. The performance management baseline is the collection of work packages that estimates work effort and duration of every work packages. Moreover it controls cost of resources. After determination of scopes and approaches towards a project, work breakdown structure is constructed to complete the work packages efficiently. These will help a project team to identify the project activities. The key elements are required to construct a project work that is the resources. Project managers need to apply

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bio Ethics and Longevity Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bio Ethics and Longevity - Term Paper Example The idea of extending human lifespan has captivated scientists, philosophers and writers for a long time now. Moreover, ethicists have argued whether people should take a step to increase human longevity, which is not surprising. This is in consideration of the persistent media interest in research in to preventing or slowing ageing. Taking note of that, this paper will briefly summarize the ethical arguments that arose from this debate, with a focus on a recent case study on Life-extension and its effects on memory and learning (on worms). Finally, it will give a summary of critique of the case study as well as the personal opinion or ethical stand. 1. Summary Case study: Life-extension and its effect on memory and learning (on worms) The focus of the case study is on two methods to increase the longevity of various organisms - calorie restriction and alteration hormone insulin. It claims that research has shown that, reducing activity related to the insulin signal pathway impact lo ngevity positively. Several biological processes such as metabolism, development and stress response are triggered by the change of insulin signal pathway.1 A group of Biologists from Princeton recently found that, altering these mechanisms do also have some consequences on the organisms’ cognitive function and their research also revealed that calorie restriction and reduced insulin signaling is linked to reduced memory and learning as the organism grow old, which calls for development of a special treatment to avoid memory loss if people are to live longer. According to Coleen Murphy, longevity research works on the assumption that people who are able to live longer should have their bodies function equally well for the additional years. Collectively with her research team, they found out that calorie restriction had some severe effect on the lasting memory of C.elegans roundworms. To their surprise, the worms only suffered from impairment to long-term memory, but did not e ncounter any reduction in memory with age. Consequently, this means that gradual memory loss can be fought by calorie restrictions. On another front, the worms that were experimented with generic mutation reduced insulin active, signaling insulin activity. This experiment improved learning ability with age, but the worms were not secured from age-related reduction in long-term memory. These worms were used because their molecular mechanisms which governed these worms were alike to higher organism like mammals, and this has provided a promising hope for cognitive research on humans. Definition(s) Cognitive is based on or related to or involving reasoning or thinking, which is an activity of the mind. Indeed, Murphy’s team has done a tremendous job, but they have to be sure that it will apply to human beings as well and how they can overcome the reduction in learning and memory of these worms in question. The information that human’s genes are likened with those of C.ele gans, enabled treatment of negative cognitive alteration in relation to longevity extension of the worms, which is an answer to humans research. This study poses big questions. Will there be equity in access to this intervention once it is out? How does it impact our morality as human beings? Is the use of worms as having the same memory as human beings ethical? The following principles and academic papers try to take these questions into consideration. 2.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Focuses on the process, progress, and prediction of your legislation Case Study

Focuses on the process, progress, and prediction of your legislation - Case Study Example The bill was introduced into the House on November 10, 2015, getting twenty-five percent progressions. Subsequently the bill was referred to the higher education committee on January 26, 2015. On March, the bill was introduced to the floor of the house before going back to the Senate Higher Education Committee. By June, prior to the house going for recess, most of the pieces of the bill had successfully been voted through awaiting their implementation on September first, 2015. An example of the pieces of bills that passed includes the SB 453 concerning the minimum scores needed for public schools students to get credit through an evaluation set through university-level evaluation programs. Others such as HB 1160 that relate to particular information reported to the Texas Higher Education Organizing Board by organizations of higher education for the objective of observance checking did get the majority vote (Texas Legislative Council). The supporter of education bills such as the influential k-12 advocacy group and the Texans for Education Reform were not delighted because of the delayed passage of the bill (Bilika 56). The supporter argument concerning the reforms in public schools was that accountability systems would make an institution performance simpler to comprehend and that it would aid more guardians to become involved in their childrens learning. It would also permit the state to target failing schools efficiently. Critics of the bill on the mother hand claimed that offering an institution a low grade would unfairly stigmatize the school and its learners. They also argued that improved grades would not take into explanation issue such as funding difficulties. I am of the opinion that the education bill is significant to bring transformations to the education sector in Texas. Thus, I support the bill because it will enable all persons in the Texas state to get access to higher education due to the act of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Training and development 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Training and development 10 - Essay Example use of long distance instructional technologies is making it possible for training sessions to be availed to increasingly large numbers of persons in various locations all over the world. This has played a major role in helping spreading the impact of training and development to various companies globally (Natale, Libertella and Hayward 154-155). The use of the modern training technologies is helping assist large numbers of individuals in their learning, this is mainly because the content to be trained on can be standardized and possibly developed in a fashion that it is possible to quickly update it to comply with any new emerging developments in the field (Natale, Libertella and Hayward 154-155). The recent trend is important as it enables more and more people to participate in training and development opportunities. The new advances in technological teaching materials such as multi media presentations are making it easier for people to be able to better understand the lessons content as well as develop the required

Are we heading for a world currency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Are we heading for a world currency - Essay Example Local markets are the key factors that created such zones. They seem to prosper economically if they are trading in one regional currency. Personally, I agree with the idea of a SGC, but, currently, the vastly varying political and economic landscapes of sovereign countries around the world are posing barriers to it. This paper will list and describe some of the factors, both for and against a SGC, and discuss why it is unlikely to achieve one in the near future. Presently, there exist some economic forces that favor the amalgamation of currencies. Below are some of the influencing factors. Troubled Currencies Since trade is so vibrant and persistent among nations, it is critical for the nations to have confidence in their local currencies and those of their business partners (Volcker 10). A confidence decline in a country’s currency will spread fear among all other countries that share trade relationships and interests with it, further leading to a currency pandemic. An examp le of this scenario is the currency calamity that befell Mexico, Argentina, Russia and Thailand. The then United States President, Bill Clinton, remarked that solving Mexico’s problems was not only significant to the rest of Latin America, but also developing countries in the whole world (Volcker 11). The fact that the Mexican catastrophe could stretch to neighboring countries in the region and affect their currencies informed this idea. Countries in Debt Countries that have lent money to other countries worry about the possibility of depreciating of the debt owed to them due to the occurrence of a currency crisis or devaluation (Hellyer 43). They seek assurance that their debts will be repaid in currencies that have not depreciated in value. This makes currency stability a worldwide concern and aim. Furthermore, countries that have previously experienced currency crisis stand to benefit if their currencies are converted to regional units (Hellyer 43). This has an effect of r educing fears of currency problems in the future. Multinational Companies Multinational companies face challenges in an attempt to price their products and record profits while working in many currencies (Hellyer 44). A currency consolidation is a welcome relief to financial officers of such enterprises. Online Banking With its already worldwide and well established infrastructure, online banking is a trend poised to last for long. Through it, money is constantly moving across borders without passing through conventional banking systems, making it a contributing economic factor favoring currency consolidation (Bonpasse 127). Factors Inhibiting Creation of a World Currency The factors above have contributed favorably towards the need for a SGC. They, however, raise questions as to how a SGC would be governed (Volcker 4). There seem to be two intertwined, key factors working against them, and they appear to carry the day; world political and economic platforms (Volcker 4). A third fac tor, religion, poses its own class of difficulty. A combination of all the factors put forward against a SGC has a general suggestion that the current world setting is simply not ready for it (Volcker 6). Religion Some religions, especially Islam, outlaw the amassing of interest on loan principal (Mustaqim 1). Religion forbids the faithful to charge interest to other faithful or the poor. Currently, large populations of religious faithful opposed to the paying of interest are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Mentoring Process in Professional Nursing Research Paper

The Mentoring Process in Professional Nursing - Research Paper Example Those educationists who gained formal education to conduct the role of educating nursing students are experiencing various problems. Those who have attained the role of being a faculty member in the profession of nursing are expected to figure out complex issues experienced by the system of health care and to help graduates prepare for being able to analyze and make decisions for situations that are novel to them and these faculty members are even responsible for making the students ready to accept and facilitate change. These members of the faculty are even required to take the role of researchers, promote the profession and even provide their services to the institutions and health care settings they are associated with. A nurse educator has to fit in various roles and the nurse educators are not ready to provide services for all these roles and it is becoming really hard for them to balance their career and their lives in such complex situations. Body The concept of mentoring is a renowned one and used in almost every field to aid individuals to adapt new roles with the assistance of socialization. The conventional relationship between a mentor and his protege used to be of a kind in which the mentor used to provide the pathway and the guidance to the protege and the protege used to follow those methods and guidelines to learn, the relationship between these two individuals used to be supportive in nature. Roche states that those individuals who are able to learn through this method experience great success in career and at a very early age they start working at the management level of the organization. This type of relation ship is very renowned but this type of relationship is not the only relationship that exists between a mentor and mentee. Other methods of mentoring include peer mentoring, where nursing faculty who are at the same stage of their career and work at the same hierarchical level, use their information to assist each other (Grossman, 2012, p .16). Another method of mentoring is recognized as Co-mentoring, in this kind of mentoring program, the teacher and the student both participate equally; the teacher conducts the job of teaching as well as listening (Grossman, 2012, p.16). These two mentoring processes rely heavily on communication and empowering of student and teacher. According to Boice, the new members of the faculty of the profession of nursing experience diminished support from the peer members and this support helps them in eliminating the feeling of isolation they experience in their everyday lives (Utley, 2010, p.338). Boice further states that co-mentoring and peer mentoring are mentoring techniques that does not only benefit the new members of the faculty; it even benefits the experienced ones (Utley, 2010, p.338). The involvement of the new faculty members to the mentoring process is of high benefits because these members bring in new ideas and challenges that the experienced ones might be unaware of. The process of peer mentoring recognizes the fact that even the newer members of the faculty have a lot of information and experience to share and when they participate they feel important and are able to address their issues (Jokelainen, 2011). All the three models of mentoring, collaborative, peer and traditional mentoring process are of great value and none of them can be recognized as obsolete. The base of any mentoring process is communication with other faculty members and sharing of ideas and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Old Man Coyote Makes the World- Crow Story -American Indian Myths and Essay

Old Man Coyote Makes the World- Crow Story -American Indian Myths and Legends - Essay Example This channel of communication and mutual understanding was evident from the very beginning of the story where Old Man Coyote wanted someone to talk to rather than someone to rule over. In his discourse with the ducks, He sought their advice rather than impose his own will upon them. Additionally, Old Man Coyote is not the all knowing creator which is commonly presented in western mythos since he does not know if there is anything in the world other than water, he does not even know that ducks can stay underwater for a long period of time. The image of the creator matches the idea of a very powerful being, but the being is not all knowing. Moreover, Old Man Coyote is not very well acquainted with many different ideas of society and social existence which were taught to him by other creatures. For instance, he does not understand war or the need for was as a social conflict that allows certain problems to be settled once and for all or as a means to improve a person’s social standing. Cirape is the character which comes across as the individual which has the wisdom of a god but does not have the strength to put his thoughts into action. Finally, the relationship which the creator animal has with other animals brings about an image of a united family since the characters address each other as younger and elder brothers. The image of family is essential to the progress of the storyline since even characters that are not cooperative and act in hostility are not killed off or banished. The case of the Bear is a predominant one since his rebellion does not take him to hell; rather he is supposed to hibernate for the winter months while the other animals can stay awake. In conclusion, the creation story of the native American mythology is an interesting work since it does give significant insights into native American culture as well as the relationships that a society should have as a result of following that particular culture. Of course

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Unrealistic Optimism Gender and Culture Essay Example for Free

Unrealistic Optimism Gender and Culture Essay Several studies have been conducted to determine the influence that unrealistic optimism has over gender differences and culture. Unrealistic optimism is defined as the belief that positive (negative) events are more (less) likely to happen to one ’s self-versus others. Researchers have reported that both men and women from across cultures tend to be influenced by this bias. Nevertheless, they’ve found that Western cultures (such as Americans or Canadians) are identified by being independent and individualist, whereas Eastern cultures (such as Japanese) tend to focus on interdependence and collectivism. Given this basic traits, experimenters have discovered that Canadians tend to believe that positive events are more likely to happen to them, whereas Japanese tend to believe that they are more likely to experience negative events. In the other hand, both men and women have revealed to be unrealistically optimistic. However, men have reported higher levels of unrealistic bias compared to women around the world. Introduction Unrealistic optimism or optimistic bias is defined as the tendency for people to believe that they are more likely to experience positive events and less likely to experience negative events compared to others. (Weinsten, 1980). Taylor and Brown stated that almost 121 studies have demonstrated this phenomenon. Various findings have confirmed that American college students think that they were more likely than others to experience positive events such as getting a good job or forming a family. In opposition, most people think that they are less likely than others of experiencing negative events such as having a drinking problem or being fired from a job. The purpose of this essay is to determine the extent to which cultural and gender differences are influenced by unrealistic optimism. Unrealistic Optimism Unrealistic optimism could cause a negative effect over an individual’s life as it can distort their perception about reality. However, unrealistic optimism has also shown favorable effects over and individual’s well-being. This bias is significantly important because it can impact people’s intentions to engage in preventive behaviors. In addition, it can also affect the way in which people process information to update their beliefs. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that optimistic bias appears to be motivated by threat. In other words, if a negative future event is perceived to be particularly serious, it’s more likely that the person will feel invulnerable toward that particular event. Western vs. Eastern Cultures The tendency of believing that one has better-than-average attributes has been researched and discussed lately. Researchers have found that people from Western cultures tend to be more unrealistically optimistic than people from Eastern cultures when comparing their chances of experiencing negative events to the average’s person. Markys and Kitayama stated that this bias influences every culture in a different way because they emphasize to tasks relevant to everyday life in different forms; independence and interdependence. Additionally, they stated that the cultures that have developed an independent construal of self are characterized by having an autonomous sense of self that’s different from others and the environment, whereas cultures that have fostered an interdependent construal of self are mutually reliant on each other and don’t attribute their individuality and uniqueness separately from the social world. Study #1 Cultural differences in unrealistic optimism and pessimism For this particular study participants form Japan and the United States responded to questions about negative health events that varied in event frequency and severity. The overall purpose of this study was to examine cultural differences in unrealistic optimism and pessimism through the direct versus the indirect method. The direct method involved a question in which participants compared themselves to the average group (e.g., â€Å"How likely are you to have a heart attack, relative to the average student of your age/sex?†). In the other hand, the indirect method involved a single question in which participants made absolute separate ratings for themselves (e.g., â€Å"How likely are you to have a heart attack?†). For the indirect method, the researchers predicted that participants across cultures would present different patterns. For instance, they expected that Japanese participants would report equal or higher risk estimates than for the average student for most events. In the other hand, they predicted that U.S participants would present higher risk estimates for themselves than for the average student for most events. In contrast, for the direct method investigators predicted that participants across cultures would report similar patterns of unrealistic optimism since cognitive biases such as egocentrism on direct comparisons will have a significant influence over respondents. After 127 students from the University of Iowa (United States) and 123 students from Kansai University (Japan) were tested through both the direct and the indirect methods, researchers acknowledged that in order to determine whether there are cross-cultural differences in unrealistic optimism they needed to take in consideration on whether direct or indirect comparisons were made. Considering the direct method, there was evidence that both Japanese and U.S. participants displayed high levels of unrealistic optimism about avoiding infrequent/negative events but, unrealistically pessimistic about avoiding frequent/negative events. However when measuring unrealistic optimism or pessimism through the indirect method the Japanese participants reported to have a tendency towards being less unrealistically optimistic than the U.S. participants. Contrarily, U.S participants showed that they tend to be more optimistic about themselves than for the average student for the majority of the events. Study#2 Does the West feel more vulnerable than the East?. At the same time, Steven J. Heine and Damn R. Lehman from the University of British Columbia compared the levels of unrealistic optimism between Canadians and Japanese through two different studies. The first study examined levels of unrealistic optimism exhibited by a sample typical of an independent construal of self (Canadians) and a sample typical of an interdependent construal of self (Japanese). Three different hypotheses were stated by the researchers. The first hypothesis anticipated that Canadians would show significantly more unrealistic optimism than Japanese; the second hypothesis drawn expected that constructs that have been shown to sustain the optimism bias, and availability of stereotypes, would be more pronounced in Canadians than in Japanese. And the last hypothesis predicted that Japanese’s optimism judgments will be less strongly related to threat whereas, Canadians unrealistic optimism would increase with perceived threat. For this particular study a total of 510 students who were taking different introductory psychology courses participated. Respondents were evenly separated between each of the Japanese and the Canadian samples. Moreover, in order to obtain membership in the westernized Canadian sample, respondents had to meet each of the following criteria: (a) the respondent had to be born in either Canada or the United States; (b) both of the respondents parents had to be born in Canada, the United States, or in a European country; (c) the respondent had to declare his or her ethnic descent to be that of a European culture; and (d) to keep the age range of the Canadian sample comparable to that of the Japanese sample, the respondent had to be between the ages of 18 and 25. All participants completed a questionnaire packet that included 15 future life events. Unrealistic optimism was measured for both negative and positive events through two methods: within-groups measure and between-groups measure. In the within-groups measure, participants had to respond questions about the chances they thought they had about experiencing a particular future event compared to other university students. In the other hand, through the between-groups measure the experimenters measured unrealistic optimism between groups. Participants received two different versions of the questionnaire. In the first version, beneath each future life event respondents were asked to estimate the absolute percentage chance that this event would happen to them. Contrarily, in the second version of the questionnaire, beneath each future life event, participants had to estimate the absolute percentage chance that a future event would happen to another same-sex student from their university. The assumptions made by Heine and Lehman about Study 1 were strongly supported since Japanese showed less unrealistic optimism than Canadians in all instances, regardless the methodology used. Surprisingly, experimenters found an in teresting pattern among participants’ estimates for themselves and others. Their findings suggested that Canadians tend to believe that positive events are more likely to occur to themselves in comparison to Japanese that reported to believe that positive events are less likely to happen to them than to others. Conversely, compared to Japanese, Canadians reported that the negative events were non significantly less likely to happen to themselves and significantly more likely to happen to others. Similarly, the main purpose for Study 2 was to examine only future life events. Researchers wanted to determine if Japanese would self-enhance more in cases in which their interdependence is threatened. Their findings were done through two subsets of future life events that we believed would be particularly threatening to people with independent and interdependent construals of self, respectively. Furthermore, Heine and Lehman anticipated that independent events would be perceived as more threatening than interdependent events for Canadians whereas interdependent ev ents would be perceived more threatening than independent events for Japanese. 215 introductory psychology students were taken in consideration for Study 2, including Japanese and Canadian students divided evenly within samples. All respondents completed a questionnaire which contained 10 questions about negative independent future events and 10 questions about interdependent future life events. These events were selected based on reasoning that independent events will threaten the individual; whereas interdependent events will threaten the individual’s relations with close others such as co-workers, friends or family members. The researchers’ findings revealed that comparing across cultures, Japanese perceived interdependent events to be more threatening than Canadians. Control and stereotype ratings were also examined in terms in how these independent and interdependent events would be rated. With respect to control, Canadians found that both independent and especially, independent events are more controllable. However, Japanese reported that in terdependent events are more controllable than independent events. Taken together both the controllability and severity findings, ratings suggest that negative future events were perceived differently by both cultures. As a result, Canadians and Japanese showed unrealistic optimism for both independent and interdependent events. In brief, Canadians were more unrealistically optimistic than Japanese for both independent and, especially, interdependent events whereas Japanese actually showed significant unrealistic pessimism for both types of events. Similarly, recent findings have shown several differences in the way in which genders (feminine and masculine) are influenced by unrealistic optimism. Most predictions suggest that men would show greater levels of unrealistic optimism than women. In fact, as women have a more interdependent self-construal of the self and men possess a more independent construal of the self, unrealistic optimism should be stronger and more resistant for men than for women. Furthermore, gender research has shown that men an d women have different expectations of marital quality; specifically different definitions of what constitutes a happy marriage Study #3 Gender differences in unrealistic optimism Two different studies held by Ying-Ching Lin and Priya Raghubir examined gender differences in optimistic bias, and their beliefs about marriage using a Taiwanese population. Study 1 tested the strength of the optimistic bias for men compared to women with respect to their expectations for a happy marriage or divorce. They hypothesised men to report higher levels of unrealistic optimism than women. In the other hand, Study 2 examined the bias’s resilience among men and women, and expected men’s beliefs to be less likely to be influenced by base rates compared to women. 309 students from a Taiwanese university were part of the study in which they had to respond to different questions regarding a target person (self, same-sex best friend, average undergraduate, and average person) and their likelihood of getting divorced or having a happy marriage. Half of the participants answered questions regarding the likelihood of having a happy marriage and the other half answered q uestions regarding the likelihood of getting divorced. Finally, they were asked to estimate the likelihood of an event occurring in the future from 0% to 100% for each of the four target persons. The results of this study suggested that Taiwanese men and Taiwanese women are unrealistically optimistic with respect to their relationships, and that men think that positive events, such as a happy marriage, are more likely to happen to them compared to an average person than women do. Similarly, they believe that negative events, such as divorce, are less likely to happen to them than to another person compared to women. 188 students participated in Study 2. They were divided into two groups assigned randomly to one of the two event conditions: happy marriage or divorce and were asked to estimate their own likelihood for that particular event. Subsequently, all participants were given base rate information for the event to which they were assigned (divorce = 25%, happy marriage = 60%). These base rates were based on an official publication of the Government Statistical Reports: Monthly Bulletin of Statistics. After being exposed to base rate information, all respondents were asked to estimate the likelihood of the event occurring to them, and to estimate the likelihood of the event occurring to someone else. The findings for this study reported, that both men and women show high levels of unrealistic optimism regarding a happy marriage and a divorce. Compared to men, women with a positive prior were influenced by the base rate information regarding a happy marriage. However, neither women nor men updated their estimates about their own divorce. In the other hand, men’s answers with a negative prior got influenced by the provided base rates at the beginning of the study whereas women’s answers were only influenced when talking about a happy marriage, but not about divorce. In general terms, both studies showed that both men and women tend to be influenced by optimistic bias about their expectations of their marriage. However, men showed greater levels of unrealistic optimism than women did. Regarding base rate information, women were more realistic in their estimates about a happy marriage compared to their estimates of getting divorced. Finally, only men with a negative initial prior were influenced by base rates whereas men with a positive initial prior do not updated their self- estimates. Gender vs. Culture The data used in both studies was collected using a Taiwanese sample (collectivist culture). However, the experimenters found that this bias is a universal phenomenon that occurs to both individualist and collectivist cultures. Moreover, recent work has reported that the bias is lower for participants who belong to collectivist cultures such as Japanese compared to individualist cultures such as Canadians. Because marriage is considered a relational aspect, consistent with a collectivist attribute, the population under this domain should show unrealistic levels of optimism. Conclusion Unrealistic optimism is a universal phenomenon that affects both gender and cultural differences around the world. Recent findings have demonstrated that both men and women across cultures (Eastern vs. Western) tend to be unrealistically optimistic about avoiding frequent/negative events, and unrealistically pessimistic about avoiding infrequent/negative events. However, the extent to which men vs. women and Eastern vs. Western cultures are affected by the bias varies among them. Being the West an independent and individualist culture, they report a higher tendency to be unrealistically optimistic. In contrast, being the East an interdependent and collectivist culture they present lower levels of unrealistic bias. At the same time, men and women have reported to be biased to some extent. Men have reported higher levels of unrealistic optimism, whereas women have shown to be less likely influenced by this threat. Now the question is: have you ever felt influenced by unrealistic bias?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance of Personal Hygiene in a Pharmacy Workplace

Importance of Personal Hygiene in a Pharmacy Workplace Maintaining a comfortable environment in which all employees can work in is an importantpoor hygiene from employees can affect the overall performance of a team or impact on their colleagues and other people, particularly patients, with whom an individual comes in to contact. Keeping clean is essential for good health; poor hygiene can cause skin complaints,  unpleasant smells and bacterial or parasitic infections; poor dental care can also give rise  to bad breath. Unwashed clothes are often a source of undesirable smells. Staff should come work having attended to their personal hygiene each day with clean  clothes and hair and free from unpleasant odours. Clean uniform should be worn each day and replaced if it becomes soiled during a shift. Why should we pay attention to keep workplace/pharmacy environment clean? Keeping work environment clean reduces workplace hazards and help get a job done safely and properly. Unhygienic environment can frequently contribute to accidents by hiding hazards that cause injuries. If the sight of paper, debris, clutter and spills is accepted as normal, then other more serious health and safety hazards may be taken for granted. Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly; maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards; and removing of waste materials (e.g., paper, cardboard) and other fire hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout of the whole workplace, aisle marking, the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance. Good housekeeping is also a basic part of accident and fire prevention. What is the purpose of keeping pharmacy clean? Unhygienic and unclean work environment can be a cause of accidents, such as: Tripping over loose objects on floors, stairs and platforms Being hit by falling objects Slipping on greasy, wet or dirty surfaces Striking against projecting, poorly stacked items or misplaced material Cutting, puncturing, or tearing the skin of hands or other parts of the body on projecting nails, wire or steel strapping To avoid these hazards, a workplace must maintain order throughout a workday. What are some benefits of keeping pharmacy environment clean? Effective cleanliness at a workplace results in: Reduced handling to ease the flow of materials Fewer tripping and slipping accidents in clutter-free and spill-free work areas Decreased fire hazards Lower worker exposures to hazardous substances (e.g. dusts, vapours) Better control of tools and materials, including inventory and supplies More efficient equipment cleanup and maintenance Better hygienic conditions leading to improved health More effective use of space Reduced property damage by improving preventive maintenance Less janitorial work Improved morale Improved productivity (tools and materials will be easy to find) How do I plan a good work environment program in my HBS pharmacy? A hygienic program plans and manages the orderly storage and movement of materials from point of entry to exit. It includes a material flow plan to ensure minimal handling. The plan also ensures that work areas are not used as storage areas by having workers move materials to and from work areas as needed. Part of the plan could include investing in extra bins and more frequent disposal. The costs of this investment could be offset by the elimination of repeated handling of the same material and more effective use of the workers time. Often, ineffective or insufficient storage planning results in materials being handled and stored in hazardous ways. Knowing the plant layout and the movement of materials throughout the workplace can help plan work procedures. Worker training is an essential part of any hygienic and risk free program. Workers need to know how to work safely with the products they use. They also need to know how to protect other workers such as by posting signs (e.g., Wet Slippery Floor) and reporting any unusual conditions. A clean enironment order is maintained not achieved. Cleaning and organization must be done regularly, not just at the end of the shift. Integrating housekeeping into jobs can help ensure this is done. A good housekeeping program identifies and assigns responsibilities for the following: Clean up during the shift Day-to-day cleanup Waste disposal Removal of unused materials Inspection to ensure cleanup is complete Do not forget out-of-the-way places such as shelves, basements, sheds, and boiler rooms that would otherwise be overlooked. The orderly arrangement of operations, tools, equipment and supplies is an important part of keeping a pharmacy clean.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Criminal Trial Process Of England And Wales Law Essay

The Criminal Trial Process Of England And Wales Law Essay The Criminal Justice System trial process in England and Wales are operated on the basis, and can be described as an adversarial system of justice. Perhaps, I am directing my attention, the criminal trial process, how has been changed. I should begin an adversarial system, where the parties are responsible for presenting evidence before passive and neutral trial judge or jury. This differs from an inquisitorial system, which is exists most of Europe. In many jurisdictions the criminal laws can be traced the date when a new system of government was introduced bringing change to the role of government to criminal procedures in particular. The criminal law is the system of practices and possible represent justice. English criminal trials from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth centurys were different from those of today. Trials were really quick, lawyers were rarely presented. After the Criminal Justice Act 2003, has made certain change to the mode of trial procedures. In highl ight for going important to address the restorative justice program, which is bring victims and offenders focus on the crime, address problems within communities. On the other side highlights the mistakes and injustices in the criminal trials. Unfortunately, it seems this would be impossible to achieve. However, miscarriages of justice occur in the criminal justice are rare and wrongful imprisonment. The creation of the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee and in 2005 the trial and pre-trial process were brought together in a new criminal procedure rule. The management of cases is a new feature of the criminal justice system, the rules more accessible and together in ones place. It is a significant step, powers of judicial case management. Before the introduction of Due Process, people accused of a crime, given private trials with no defence. The main objectives of the criminal justice process are, against all offenders who break those rules. In England and Wales the criminal justice system has evolved over the years a considerable period. There are many features of the criminal procedure followed by more detailed descriptions of policing, and prosecution criminal courts, sentencing and the panel system, and the governmental and, administrative context of criminal justice. I shall shortly identify a striking example of the benefit of a joined up to criminal trail process. The goals in England and Wales aims to reduce crime by bringing more offence to justice, and to raise public confidence that the system is fair and will deliver law for citizen. There are many advantages and disadvantages having in the criminal trial process of England and Wales. Particularly important to understand the influence of rule of law, and how these of principles shapes the way that criminal justice is defined and implemented. Must be criminal cases start in the Magistrates Court. In a year more than one million cases are heard by Magistrates, they are simply citizen, without any kind of training. The other area where, those cases are seen is in the Crown Court where juries are used, they are part of the criminal justice trial process. The system of jury trails are twelve honest citizens who offering common sense and values. Let me highlight some very important advantages of the system having juries. It gives to the public confidence and acceptance for juries decisions. It gives a person a right to be tried by lay people, who have no legal knowledge and juries do understand the situation better than qualified people, who only look at the situation, with their special knowledge, and this can be sometimes lead to a miscarriage of justice. Perhaps, it is have to avoid as humanly possible. Another example for an advantage of the criminal trial process, when the jury has a power and decide cases on their idea of fairness. Although, as we shall see for example, in R v Ponting (1984). When the civil servant leaked information to a MP on the ground of public interest, and the jury refused to convict despite the fact that, the defendant had no legal defence. In the above case, therefore, it seems the legal system more open because member of public involved and whole process takes in public. Basically the trial involved a confrontation the victim of the crime and the defendant. The defendant was expected to explain the evidence presented against them. However these procedures provided reasonable means of determining guilt and innocence, from a modern point of view this is disadvantage the defence. Shall we see now of the other end, trials without a jury. Directions are no more than matters of common sense. The cases where the judge is satisfied to the evidence of real, able to present the danger that jury tampering would take a place to it. After the reform the criminal trial has some beneficial advantages. The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (c. 44) it is amends the law relating to police powers, which is particularly useful in cases where computer or financial evidence may need. It has a dramatic change has been made in the role of trial judges. There was no time to inform the judges of all the details of the case. Well, it is an advantages of the trial, the judge have a time to identify the issue. I agree with that, it is highly beneficial of the trial. I would like address the defence statement and disclosure. The Act makes amendments to the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996. As we shall see it, before the reform the prosecution would provide primary disclosure to the defence, and the defence would provide a defence statement, and the prosecution in response would provide secondary disclosure. This may demonstrates the weakness of the prosecution cases. Section 8 of the Act is made to the extent the evidence disclosed by the prosecution under its duty of disclosure. However, we shall see also disadvantages of the criminal trial process, after the reforms. The prisoner right to make an application to the High Court, it is my point of view, every cases takes longer than it should be. The right source can be take time, while the jury seeking further information can be confusing for judges. There is expensive cost for all this. Although, we can see now, some disadvantages of having jury in the criminal justice process. Unqualified people may not understand the points of law. The trial process placed defendants at a disadvantage. Without the benefit of legal assistance, they had to organise their cases on their own, while in prison awaiting trial. Until the actual trial, they were unaware of the specific evidence that would be presented against them and therefore had to respond spontaneously to what the witnesses said. This was thought to be the best way of ascertaining the truth. The lawyers had a right to address the jury, and gave prisoners the right to see copies of the depositions against them. Prosecutors could also suffer under this system. They also frequently went without counsel, and judges could be sympathetic to defendants. However the prosecutors had the advantage of being able to plan their case in advance, at liberty and at their leisure. It is arguable that the criminal trial process of, on t he one hand, the rules of evidence, which is require proof at trial, but on the other hand, the party prosecution have a detrimental effect on the capacity of the system to identify the truth. Criticism of the jury system in criminal trial process has emphasised the high cost of juries to the court system. In addition the technical nature and trials difficulty for lay people to understand purportedly leads to unintentional jury nullification. In the light for going of the recent miscarriages of justice occurs not only when an innocent person is convicted but also when a guilty person is not convicted. Therefore has much to lose by cooperating to archive justice. According to my opinion from an ethical point of view should miscarriage be avoidable every possible measures should be taken to prevent those regardless of the costs involved, however I must accept that in practice this route is often not the viable one. In conclusion a jury trial is of necessity predicated on continuous and adversarial oral presentation of evidence, but such a method of determining criminal cases is time and resource intensive. Criminal trial to be heard without jury, would thus probably reduce cost, and would also enhance opportunities to deal with matters in alternative ways not subject to the same concern about admissibility and evidence, and hence possibly also increase predictability. To my mind, however the criminal justice system England and Wales, the system of jury trial depends on twelve parties and true coming to court and listening to the case. Witness who will give evidence and answers the questions, counsel speak address the jury, judges speak and give direction. The current criminal justice process, in major trials involving fraud is made available to jurors on screens, but not without difficulty. The implications of all this for the criminal justice system are important. However, in jury trial in particular the public opinion can never really be kept out of the court room. Not everyone agrees with these changes when opposition is expressed on principal, it requires attention.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Argument Against Eating Meat :: Vegetarianism, Persuasive, Argumentative

Argument Against Eating Meat Many people don’t believe think anything of what they eat or how it got there. But the harsh truth is the meat that you eat was once a living, breathing creature that had feeling and emotions. Maybe next time you order a steak or chicken nuggets you should think about the animals that went through extreme pain and conditions for you to eat. Not only is it inhumane to put animals through such pain, not eating meat and having a vegetarian lifestyle can have huge benefits to animals, the environment, and your health. Can you imagine going through the pain that animals in slaughterhouses went through? Most people don’t think of that part of it but the real fact is that billions of animals went through a painful life to be killed for food every year. Most people like to keep the thought in there heads that these animals live on beautiful green farms where they are treated great and then have a very peaceful death, and never feel any or little pain. Well that is not the case, these animals are treated very unfairly. The animals in slaughterhouses are given a massive amount of antibiotics, hormones, and drugs to keep them alive in conditions that are so bad they would otherwise kill them. Cows are naturally very gentle and calm creatures. These smart and sweet natured animals have been known to go to great lengths to escape slaughterhouses. More than forty-one million of these sensitive animals suffer and die a painful death each year in the United States. When cows are still very young they are burned with hot irons, there testicles are torn or cut off, all without painkillers. Most beef cattle are born in one state, live in another, and are slaughtered in another. The cows who survive the gruesome transportation process are shot in the head with a bolt gun, hung upside down by there legs, and taken onto the killing floor where there throats are slit and they are skinned. Some of these beautiful animals remain fully conscious throughout the entire process. Argument Against Eating Meat :: Vegetarianism, Persuasive, Argumentative Argument Against Eating Meat Many people don’t believe think anything of what they eat or how it got there. But the harsh truth is the meat that you eat was once a living, breathing creature that had feeling and emotions. Maybe next time you order a steak or chicken nuggets you should think about the animals that went through extreme pain and conditions for you to eat. Not only is it inhumane to put animals through such pain, not eating meat and having a vegetarian lifestyle can have huge benefits to animals, the environment, and your health. Can you imagine going through the pain that animals in slaughterhouses went through? Most people don’t think of that part of it but the real fact is that billions of animals went through a painful life to be killed for food every year. Most people like to keep the thought in there heads that these animals live on beautiful green farms where they are treated great and then have a very peaceful death, and never feel any or little pain. Well that is not the case, these animals are treated very unfairly. The animals in slaughterhouses are given a massive amount of antibiotics, hormones, and drugs to keep them alive in conditions that are so bad they would otherwise kill them. Cows are naturally very gentle and calm creatures. These smart and sweet natured animals have been known to go to great lengths to escape slaughterhouses. More than forty-one million of these sensitive animals suffer and die a painful death each year in the United States. When cows are still very young they are burned with hot irons, there testicles are torn or cut off, all without painkillers. Most beef cattle are born in one state, live in another, and are slaughtered in another. The cows who survive the gruesome transportation process are shot in the head with a bolt gun, hung upside down by there legs, and taken onto the killing floor where there throats are slit and they are skinned. Some of these beautiful animals remain fully conscious throughout the entire process.

The Art of Hybrid Writing Essay -- poetry, short stories

â€Å"From a very early age†¦I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer.†- George Orwell in ‘Why I Write’ (1965) As a writer, I am aware that there are different types ‘voices’ when it comes to their personal writing. During the course of this module I’ve learned a lot about my personal ‘voice’ and it has helped enhance my writing skills. For example, there will be times where I will have to force myself to write, even when I don’t have the motivation to; because sometimes I can get a great story or poem out of it. Other things that I have learned during this module are: old habits aren’t always the best and I should save my energy on keeping them around, and at times imitating the works of other writers can help teach new techniques I would not have learned in any other way. When I first started writing, I would write mostly poetry and sometimes short stories. I would usually take days to write a good poem, and weeks for a good story. Sometimes I would get so busy that I would put it off for a while and I wouldn’t get back to it for a month or so. Although ever since I started this course I had to use the time that was given to me, especially the rest of the week till the next class. As Dorothea Brande said in her book ‘Becoming a Writer’ in Chapter Six: â€Å"Decide for yourself when you will take the time for writing; for you are going to write in it.† I would usually write my stories at night, around 7:30-8pm since I that would be around the time I would have the sudden urge to write. When I wrote the first draft of ‘Good Deed’, I had started writing it around 8pm as I had planned that morning I would. While I was writing it, I thought it would take me a little less than an hour to write since I had the idea of what I wanted ... ...orothea Brande said in chapter ten in her book ‘Becoming a Writer’ â€Å" They [the words] are yours to use only when you have made them your own by full acquaintance and acceptance.† Even so, this semester has really thought me so many things in the period of twelve weeks. From learning what truly is my voice in writing, to kicking away old habits that would only do damage, and in the end, imitating can also help me improve certain aspects of my writing. This whole semester has been quite the rollercoaster in terms of this module, I learned so much and I will continue to keep learning from these lessons as I keep going forth my journey in university. Works Cited Brande, Dorothea, and John Gardner. Becoming a Writer. New York: J.P. Tarcher, 1981. Print.Orwell, George. Decline of the English Murder, and Other Essays. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1965. Print. The Art of Hybrid Writing Essay -- poetry, short stories â€Å"From a very early age†¦I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer.†- George Orwell in ‘Why I Write’ (1965) As a writer, I am aware that there are different types ‘voices’ when it comes to their personal writing. During the course of this module I’ve learned a lot about my personal ‘voice’ and it has helped enhance my writing skills. For example, there will be times where I will have to force myself to write, even when I don’t have the motivation to; because sometimes I can get a great story or poem out of it. Other things that I have learned during this module are: old habits aren’t always the best and I should save my energy on keeping them around, and at times imitating the works of other writers can help teach new techniques I would not have learned in any other way. When I first started writing, I would write mostly poetry and sometimes short stories. I would usually take days to write a good poem, and weeks for a good story. Sometimes I would get so busy that I would put it off for a while and I wouldn’t get back to it for a month or so. Although ever since I started this course I had to use the time that was given to me, especially the rest of the week till the next class. As Dorothea Brande said in her book ‘Becoming a Writer’ in Chapter Six: â€Å"Decide for yourself when you will take the time for writing; for you are going to write in it.† I would usually write my stories at night, around 7:30-8pm since I that would be around the time I would have the sudden urge to write. When I wrote the first draft of ‘Good Deed’, I had started writing it around 8pm as I had planned that morning I would. While I was writing it, I thought it would take me a little less than an hour to write since I had the idea of what I wanted ... ...orothea Brande said in chapter ten in her book ‘Becoming a Writer’ â€Å" They [the words] are yours to use only when you have made them your own by full acquaintance and acceptance.† Even so, this semester has really thought me so many things in the period of twelve weeks. From learning what truly is my voice in writing, to kicking away old habits that would only do damage, and in the end, imitating can also help me improve certain aspects of my writing. This whole semester has been quite the rollercoaster in terms of this module, I learned so much and I will continue to keep learning from these lessons as I keep going forth my journey in university. Works Cited Brande, Dorothea, and John Gardner. Becoming a Writer. New York: J.P. Tarcher, 1981. Print.Orwell, George. Decline of the English Murder, and Other Essays. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1965. Print.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Philosophy of Education :: Teaching Progressivism Careers Essays

My Philosophy of Education Students for the most part are eager and willing to learn when placed in the proper environment. The attitude of the student is very crucial when it comes to if and how much the student is going to learn. The classroom environment is a major determinant of a student’s attitude. Students need to be taught several aspects of society by an instructor who is able to motivate and encourage. As a teacher I hope to improve the life of my students by providing them the information and ideas which will allow them to excel. Hopefully I can keep the attention of my students by involving them in the classroom and allowing them to participate in the running of the classroom. My involvement in the teaching of science on the secondary level will encourage the students to learn more about this wonderful universe of ours, what makes it work, and all the great aspects which makeup this universe. How else could I influence so many people and be a positive role model for child ren to make them want to succeed and thrive in live? My fellow classmates throughout public school were very willing to learn when placed in the right situations. Classes which revolved around the students being able to make suggestions, be involved in activities, and participate in classroom discussion were very conducive to learning. On the other hand, classes which involved a teacher lecturing and constantly passing out orders and ultimatums were not nearly as successful. Students make a decision very quickly once a new class starts on if they are going to go along with the plan and try to learn, or if they are going to shut out the teacher and be unwilling to learn. All students are not the same but for the most part there are a few self-motivated students who will not be affected by such conditions, while the majority will need the environment which encourages them to learn and succeed. I agree with Plato on this idea of having natural born leaders who are motivated and then those auxiliary members who are obe dient but not willing to participate or push themselves.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Admissions Image Choice

I have chosen this iconic image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. after winning the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize in Baltimore, Maryland due to its historical and symbolic significance.   The image is representative of Dr. King’s philosophy of peace and community building thanks to the gathering of hands and bodies on a seemingly random street corner in America during the Civil Rights, which is to say a cultural and racial landscape full of historical struggles and a hope for an equal future.The image is centered on sunlit Dr. King grasping hands with a group of African American women supporters.   He is sitting in the back seat of a black convertible and he has a luminous smile that Leonard Freed captured as he turned toward his fellow citizens as his bodyguard keeps eye toward the street.There are two white uniformed police officers in the background with stoic expressions trying to carry out their duties of maintaining the public peace.   The photograph carries such an immense historical gravity due to its closeness to Dr. King’s assassination but it also has a lightness of being that lifts the veil of racism through the smiles and gratitude inherent in its subjects.This image by Leonard Freed at the height of the Civil Rights Movement illustrates the will and devotion that Dr. King mobilized in his everyday life.   The people he surrounded himself with shared a common goal for civil equality with a spirit of compassion and grace in the face of hatred and discrimination.For this reason, this image will forever remind me to keep my head high and my visions clear even in the face of the most daunting challenges and obstacles.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Fuzzy Topsis Method

Fuzzy TOPSIS method This is an approach based on the TOPSIS technique (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and the fuzzy set theory. The TOPSIS method is based on the concept that the optimum option has the least distance from the positive ideal solution. It is a linear weighting technique, which was first proposed, in its crisp version by Chen and Hwang(1992), with reference to Hwang and Yoon(1981).Since then, this method has been widely adopted to solve MCDM problems in many different fields. Because decision information is uncertain instead of certain in most environments, further extension for group decision making problems under fuzzy environment was published by Cheng(2000),known as Fuzzy TOPSIS. The selection of the third-party provider is a typical MCDM problem. In this method firstly we screen out providers that have not minimal qualifications by the selection criteria.Then closeness coefficient of contractors to each proposal will be computed by Fuzzy TOPSIS method and finally these coefficients as successful indicators for each provider will be fed in to a linear programming to select most profitable projects and providers with respect to the constraints. The stages are described blow: Stage1: Eliminate contractors that haven't minimal qualifications. For the purpose of analysis, selection criteria need to be rationally selected at first. There are a lot of researches with respect to the decision criteria for evaluating the supplier.Such as the study of Dickson(1966), Ellram (1990),Weber et al. (1991), ,Grupe (1997), and Akomode et al. (1998). According to an empirical survey, the top four selection criteria are responsiveness to service requirements, quality of management, track record of ethical importance, and ability to provide value-added services. The less important selection criteria are listed in a descending order as below: low cost, specific channel expertise, knowledge of market, personal relationship with key c ontacts, willingness to assume risk, investment in state-of- art technologies, size of firm, and national market coverage.Keeping the outcomes of the supplier selection literature review as a guideline, we derived the relevant factors to evaluate in the provider selection process based on the outsourcing view. However selection of criteria is totally industry specific and based on each case and the criteria are changed and replaced. Then opinions of decision makers on criteria were aggregated and weights of all criteria have been calculated by organizing the expert meeting. Meanwhile, the outcomes of the supplier selection literature review should be kept as a guideline.Stage2: Computing closeness coefficient (CC) for each project by fuzzy TOPSIS method So after we have obtained the important evaluation criteria and the qualified provider candidates to form the MCDM problem,the ranking of the shortlisted vendor providers will be done using the fuzzy TOPSIS approach. First,choose the appropriate linguistic variables for the importance weight of the criteria ,asses the importance of each contractor in each project with respect to each criterion by DM, using linguistic variables.Convert these evaluation into triangular fuzzy numbers with fuzzy weight for each criterion. Fuzzy weight wj of criterion C j are obtained with regard to DM’s opinions. Then the importance of the criteria and the rating of alternatives with respect to each criterion and the aggregated rating Xij under criteria C j can be calculated as: Wj=1K[Wj1+Wj2+†¦+Wjk] xij=1K[xij1+xij2+†¦+xijk] Wjk is the importance weight of the kth decision maker. xijk is the rating of the kth decision maker. Construct the normalized fuzzy decision matrix.If we describe the linguistic variables by triangular fuzzy numbers, xij=(aij,bij,cij) and wij=(wj1,wj2,wj3)then we can get the fuzzy decision matrix denoted by R, and R= R=[rij]m? n. rij=(aijcj,bijcj,cijcj) rij=(aj-aij,aj-bij,aj-cij) Next, the we ighted normalized fuzzy decision matrix is constructed by : V=[vij]m? n, i=1,2,†¦,m j=1,2,†¦,n Where vij=rij(. )wj After all of these analysis and calculation ,a positive-ideal solution (PIS, A+) and a fuzzy negative-ideal solution (NIS,A-) as the criterion are chosen.The best alternative solution should be the closest to the Positive Ideal Solution (PIS) and the farthest from the Negative Ideal Solution (NIS). A+=(v1*,v2*,†¦,vn*) A-=(v1-,v2-,†¦,vn-) vj*=1,1,1 vj-=0,0,0 Calculate the total distance of each components from the fuzzy positive ideal and negative ideal: ? If A and B are two fuzzy numbers as follows, distance between these fuzzy numbers is calculated by equation below: A=(a1,b1,c1) B=(a2,b2,c2) Equation : DA,B=13[a2-a12+b2-b12+c2-c12]Given the above description on how to calculate the distance between fuzzy numbers, the distance of components from positive and negative ideas can be derived respectively as: di*=j=1nd(vij,vj*), i=1,2,†¦,m di-=j=1nd (vij,vj-), i=1,2,†¦,m In the end,the relative closeness coefficient (CC)of each contractor-project in each criterion can be calculated as: CCi=di*di-+di+, i=1,2,†¦,m Stage3: Selecting the best projects and related contractors Select the best projects and related contractors by ranking options based on the descending cci.An alternative with index cci approaching 1 indicates that the alternative is close to the fuzzy positive ideal reference point and far from the fuzzy negative ideal reference point. A large value of closeness index indicates a good performance of the alternative. A case study: The proposed methodology for supplier selection problem, composed of TOPSIS method, consists of three Steps: (1) Identify the criteria to be used in the model; (2) weigh the criteria by using expert views; (3) evaluation of alternatives with TOPSIS and determination of the final rank.The case is that of a major company operating in the dairy products field. In the first phase, the pr oject team operated mainly through roundtable discussions on developing their main selection criteria. After identity the criteria attributed under consideration, five alternatives suppliers are written in the list. There are several criteria need to be considered, and each vendor’s information under each criteria are collected, calculating each vendor’s overall rating weight, shown in Table 2. (Mohammad Saeed Zaeri,2010) Finally, the closeness coefficient was calculated to rank alternatives.The results obtained are shown in Table 4: (Mohammad Saeed Zaeri,2010) The order of rating among those vendors is Supplier3;gt; Supplier 4;gt; Supplier 1;gt; Supplier2;gt;Supplier5, the best vendor would be Supplier3. To conclude, the TOPSIS method had several advantages. First, TOPSIS makes it possible to appraise the distances of each candidate from the positive and negative ideal solutions. Second, it allows the straight linguistic definition of weights and ratings under each cr iterion, without the need of cumbersome pairwise comparisons and the risk of inconsistencies.It evaluates the projects and each provider more precisely by expert decision makers in each stage of the whole process. Moreover, the method is very easy to understand and to implement. All these issues are of fundamental importance for a direct field implementation of the methodology by logistics practitioners. However TOPSIS is proved to be insensitive to the number of alternatives and has its worst performance only in case of very limited number of criteria. In order to apply fuzzy TOPSIS to a MCDM problem, selection criteria have to be monotonic.