Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Running for Freedom - 1925 Words

â€Å"Something smells incredible,† he called out before walking past my daughter. He walked over to me and laid several yards of cerulean coloured fabric over the carpet. â€Å"For your new burqa,† he said then smiled curtly, â€Å"you like blue, right?† Actually, I like yellow, but who was I to argue. Growing up in my family we didn’t wear burqas but my in-laws didn’t care for women to be seen in public. I don’t like wearing them. I get headaches and can never see where I’m going. Of course, this gesture was another one of his unsaid â€Å"I’m sorrys†. When he sat down to eat I actually thought maybe tonight would be different. â€Å"It’s delicious, not as good as mom’s, still all right,† he went on and on, and I felt relieved. He was actually pleasant, or so it seemed. I stood up to clear his plate, taking the bowl of leftover rice and vegetable stew back into the kitchen. â€Å"You think I’m done with that?† Oh just perfect, I’ve done it now. I knew what was coming. Even now, I remember how fast and ferociously he turned his ugly old thinning head. In my minimal years of schooling allowed for a girl I learned that life expectancy in our country is less than 47 years. God, that long? â€Å"If you have something to say, say it! That way you can stop running to my mother,† he shouted. I quickly picked up my two-year old and put her in the other room. â€Å"Don’t you walk away from me!† * * * I spent each day of my life waiting for the day where my life will end, and each day until then trying toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Always Running And The Freedom Writers1439 Words   |  6 Pagesconsequences but they can also make us learn many important values that can help us throughout life. In the story of Always Running and The Freedom Writers, the main character faces many obstacles and has many tough and sometimes life changing choices to make, but the main characters learn from their choices and thus changing their next decision. 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