Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Thousands Splendid Suns Book Review Essay - 525 Words

â€Å"A Thousand Splendid Suns† by Khaled Hosseini was an amazing book to read. The book keeps you interested and wanting to keep reading to find out what happens next. The story is set in Afghanistan and tells the story of different families’ experiences during the war specifically Mariam, Rasheed, and Laila. A reoccurring thought throughout the book was that women had little or no power in the Afghan society and that they were mere objects in the eyes of men. â€Å"A Thousands Splendid Suns† by Khaled Hosseini, had many examples that showed that women did not have any power in the Afghan society. For example, the book mentioned a couple times when women and young girls were forced to marry men that were much older than they were and men that†¦show more content†¦A similar instance was with Laila after her family was killed and she was forced to either marry Rasheed or be forced out on her own during the war, giving her no choice but to marry him at a y oung age. The fact that these women and or young girls were forced to marry these older men without a choice shows that they did not have much power in the Afghan society during this time. Another point in the story that shows that women did not have much power in the Afghan society is when Laila and Mariam tried to run away from Kabul, but could not travel alone and need a man to travel with them. Laila says that â€Å"The Supreme Court under Rabbani was filled now with hardliner mullahs who did away with the communist era decrees that empowered women and instead passed rulings based on Shari’a strict Islamic laws that ordered women to cover , forbade their travel without a male relative, punished adultery with stoning†(Page 260). Women during this time had little to no power with the new â€Å"Islamic State of Afghanistan and had to follow strict laws, giving them little to no power to do anything alone, like travel. When the Taliban took over Afghanistan they made strict laws, specifically with the story setting was for the members of Kabul and even stricter laws for the women of this city like Mariam and Laila. Women were seen as objects of theirShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of A Thousand Splendid Suns1570 Words   |  7 Pages A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a powerful and moving piece of fiction literature. Khaled Hosseini, born in the city of Kabul in 1965, is a successful author and is skilled â€Å"in pulling his readers’ heartstrings†. The title of this 367-page novel derived from the poem â€Å"Kabul† by the 17th-century Persian writer Saib-e-Tabrizi. It was published in 2007 by the Penguin Group (Monteiro). A Thousand Splendid Suns is a heart wrenching story, creating a picture of patriarchal despotismRead More1000 Splendid suns1913 Words   |  8 Pages A Thousand Splendid Suns Research Paper The People of Afghanistan have struggled with invaders in there country for many decades. The intrusion of the soviets in 1979 was the first intrusion on the Afghan people. Many people were affected by the manifestation of the soviets and either ran away or lived in fear and war. Luckily, famous author Khaled Hosseini and his family were moved out of Kabul a few years before the Soviets invaded. Khaled Hosseini and his novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, showsRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns2892 Words   |  12 Pages               A  Thousand  Splendid  Suns  Ã‚   Theme  Analysis  Lesson      Subject:  English  Language  Arts   Grades:  9†12   Timeframe:  Four  45  minute  sessions         Student  Outreach  for  Shelters  (SOS)  Program         Overview   This  lesson  is  designed  to  deepen  students’  analysis  of  the  novel  A   Thousand  Splendid  Suns.  Ã‚  In  addition,  this  lesson  is  designed  to  provide   educators  with  a  core  novel  connection  to  the  shelter  outreach  themes  of   the  Khaled  Hosseini  Foundation  SOS  program.   Preparation   Read MoreOppression of Women in Afghanistan in the Text Aa Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini1141 Words   |  5 Pagesaspects of society we do not normally consider. To what extent do you agree with this view? â€Å"One in every Three Afghan women experience physical, psychological or sexual violence†. 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