Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bio-Terrorism Research and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bio-Terrorism Research and Development - Essay Example These pathogens have high probabilities of bioterrorism use because they can be disseminated fast and without difficulty; would simply need minimal amounts to cause and spread diseases; and would cause high levels of morbidity and mortality (Perlin, 2008). Category A agents, being the highest risk agents, are top priority in research efforts. Category B agents create the second highest threat.  Category C agents are the emerging communicable disease hazards (â€Å"Potential Bioterrorism Agents,â€Å" 2010). Biological agents such as anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, tularemia, and viral hemorrhagic fevers (â€Å"NIAID report claims great progress in biodefense research,† 2010), are cheap substitutes to conventional weapons. Preferred by terrorists, these pathogens have easy accessibility; rapid production and distribution; low detection and high potentials for causing national disturbance (â€Å"Potential Bioterrorism Agents,â€Å" 2010). Since 2002, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has shown remarkable progress in the development of measures to counteract bioterrorist attacks. Basic research programs comprise the latest designation and financial support of eight regional academic centers for biodefense research and rising transmittable diseases. All strains of pathogen genomes with high-risk for bioterror use are sequenced and determined of possible viral and protozoal bioterrorism infection. Researchers are given grants to study the deterrence, identification, and cure of diseases caused by bioweapons. The NIAID research targets on the development of effective vaccines and precise diagnosis (â€Å"NIAID report claims great progress in biodefense research,† 2010). Mucosal immunities are studied on areas of infection, such as the respiratory organs and oral passages since potential bioweapons are most likely to infect those areas (â€Å"Introduction to Biodefense Research,â₠¬  2010). Proposed efforts to

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