Friday, October 4, 2019

What the Popes could have done differently to avoid the reformation Term Paper

What the Popes could have done differently to avoid the reformation - Term Paper Example Europe ultimately separated into two: The Protestant in the north and the Catholic in the south (Saint-Clair, 7). The Protestant renovation was a Christian progress that took place in Europe in the 16th century. This reformation rooted out of antagonism to apparent illegal behavior and corruption inside the Roman Catholic Church. The reformation is generally alleged to have begun in 1517. Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church in this year, which had the truth that shook the world and drastically renewed the church of Christ (Engelsma, 3). Historians argue that the Protestant Reformation ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia. The treaty ended the blood-spattered war of the Reformation period. In western history, the Reformation is considered as one of the most significant events. This is due to its radical switchover of thoughts and political reformation (Brady, 1). Luthers discrepancy with the principles of the Roman Catholic Church set out a series of proceedings that in a few decades shattered Germanys religious harmony. Luther is considered as the inventor of the Protestant Reformation due to the influence of his thoughts and the vast authority of his writings. Among many who were appalled by unconvinced mechanistic religious services and widespread church dishonesty, Luther speedily acquired a huge fraction of them. Many who followed him were lured by his argument that religion must be simplified into a secure connection of human beings with God, devoid of the broad intercession of the Roman Catholic Church and its accumulation of custom (Snell, 3). Luther did not aim to establish the Reformation when he posted his 95 Theses on the door of the church. He had no plan whatsoever of disjointing from the church whose head was the Pope and whose head office was Rome. His intention with the Theses was the modification of certain behaviors and the teachings that fashioned

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