Friday, October 18, 2019

La bodas de Sangre - Blood weeding (federico Lorca) & Blood weeding Essay

La bodas de Sangre - Blood weeding (federico Lorca) & Blood weeding Film (Carlos Saura) - Essay Example In reference to Leonardo as the dark river shows honor and life-death as the connection is fairly clear when the Bride refers to the fatal force of the dark river in contrast to the â€Å"little bit of water. The â€Å"little bit of water symbolizes the Bridegroom from which she hoped for children. Symbolism that in the film, the orange blossoms that the bride wore were fake and waxy which symbolized the fake society in which she lived. In the movie the bride wears the fake orange blossoms to her wedding as it symbolizes her conformity to the society in almost a mocking way.   This goes together with the black dress she wears for the wedding, as if symbolizing her despair and sadness at having to go through with the wedding  when she really loves Leonardo. The lyrics impulse of the play culminates in the film, where the themes of honor and passion are absorbed in the theme of death that which paradoxically is life. The play of double perspective of death that are suggested in the dual manifestation as death is said to be an Old Woman demanding for a crust of bread. In another image Death is said to be white faced and the moon longing for life and seeking in the death of the men is symbolized by a heart, the crest of the fire, and red blood for his cheeks. The ceremony of p reparing the Bride in the church and the festivities preceding the entry of the Bride and Groom in to the bridal chamber. Both lyrics employ the familiar symbol of a flower, branch, and stream and both make visible another thread of symbol that is to become prominent as the themes of pride and passion move toward their ultimate resolution in the theme of death. The symbol of fire is enhanced as it is associated with honor as well passion and death. The horse in the Lullaby is to be identified with Leonardo’s horse and his wounds with the fate of Leonardo is indicated by the action accompanying the song.

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